Perspekt 2.0
Perspekt 2.0 comprises structured, classroom-based teaching material for the social and emotional learning programme in Danish primary and lower secondary schools. In partnership with Aarhus University, the Danish Center for Social Science Research (VIVE) and the Danish Centre of Educational Environment (DCUM), we have evaluated not only how teachers and pupils respond to Perspekt 2.0, but also whether the material is better at improving the pupils’ well-being than the social and emotional learning programmes currently in use at the schools.
Perspekt 2.0 has not succeeded in improving social well-being among Grade 4 and 5 pupils as compared to the usual social and emotional learning programmes at the schools. That said, both teachers and pupils are pleased with Perspekt 2.0, considering it meaningful to apply structure to a part of the work with well-being. On the one hand, the material has been positively received, but on the other, it has failed to generate the desired improvement in the pupils’ well-being. This highlights the importance of applying a thorough approach to examining whether a given initiative has an impact.
Social well-being is generally high at primary and lower secondary schools in Denmark, with relatively few pupils experiencing low social well-being. As a classroom-based initiative, Perspekt 2.0 did not succeed in raising the level of well-being among the pupils who are faring worst socially. The evaluation reveals that the material may be suitable for applying structure to a part of the work with well-being for those who wish to do so. However, we still lack knowledge about what is required to support those pupils who are experiencing low well-being today.
See below for more information about the evaluation findings and the methods applied in the RFI insights.

About Perspekt 2.0
The Perspekt programme was originally developed by Jane Vinter and Allan Mads Knægt with support from the ROCKWOOL Foundation prior to the establishment of the ROCKWOOL Foundation Interventions Unit. Perspekt was deployed at the Danish Centre of Educational Environment (DCUM), which subsequently revised the material, resulting in Perspekt 2.0. DCUM has facilitated the evaluation of Perspekt 2.0, holds responsibility for the dissemination of Perspekt 2.0 and places the material, available in three modules intended for Grades 0–3, Grades 4–6 and Grades 7–9, at the disposal of primary and lower secondary schools in Denmark, free of charge.
About the evaluation
The evaluation is built on knowledge from three different studies, prepared in partnership with Aarhus University, the Danish Center for Social Science Research (VIVE) and the Danish Centre of Educational Environment (DCUM). Click the links to read the studies.
Analyses of social well-being, which paint a picture of social well-being at municipal public schools (Folkeskolen) in Denmark, and examine which pupils and classes have issues with well-being.
An impact assessment which used a randomised trial to measure whether Perspekt 2.0 has improved the pupils’ social well-being as compared to the usual social and emotional learning programme at the schools.
An implementation evaluation (in Danish) which has examined how the schools have received and implemented Perspekt 2.0.
In addition to these three studies, an analysis was carried out in 2021 that follows up on the impact of Perspekt 2.0 one year after the evaluation was completed. This study backs the results from the impact assessment. You can read the study here.
What’s next?
The project was completed in 2020 under the auspices of the ROCKWOOL Foundation, and handed over to DCUM. The project has undergone an implementation evaluation and an impact evaluation in addition to an analysis of social well-being. See the results and find our knowledge above and in the list below.