Welfare Topics
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The journal of human resources
scientific article
1. November 2023
How Does Visitation Affect Incarcerated Persons and Their Families?
Nature Human Behaviour
Intergenerational persistence of poverty in five high-income countries
Childhood poverty increases the likelihood of adult poverty. However, past research offers conflicting accounts of cross-national variation in the strength of—and mechanisms underpinning—the intergenerational persistence of poverty. Here the authors investigate differences in intergenerational poverty in the United States, Australia, Denmark, Germany and the United Kingdom using administrative- and survey-based panel datasets.
28 October 2024
American Economic Journal
Refugee Benefit Cuts
This paper analyzes the effects of Denmark’s Start Aid welfare reform that targets refugees. Implemented in 2002, it enables us to study not only the reform’s immediate effects but also its longer-term consequences and its repeal a decade later. The reform-induced large transfer cuts led to an increase in employment rates, but only in the short run. Overall, the reform increased poverty rates and led to a rise in subsistence crime. Moreover, local demand conditions generate substantial heterogeneity in the reform’s effects on immediate and longer-term employment.
14 May 2024
Unintended Consequences of Welfare Cuts on Children and Adolescents
This paper studies the effects of a large welfare benefit reduction on the children in the affected families. The welfare cut targeted adult refugees who received residency in Denmark, and it reduced their disposable income by 30 percent on average over the first five years. We show that children exposed to the welfare cut during preschool and school-age obtained lower GPAs, experienced reduced wellbeing and overall education levels, and suffered lower employment and earnings as adults. Children in their teens at exposure faced large increases in conviction probabilities for violent and property crimes.
13 May 2024
American Economic Journal – Policy
Attendance Boundary Policies and the Limits to Combating School Segregation
What is the efficacy of redrawing school attendance boundaries as a desegregation policy? To provide causal evidence on this question, we employ novel data with unprecedented detail on the universe of Danish children and exploit changes in attendance boundaries over time. Households defy reassignments to schools with lower socioeconomic status. There is a strong social gradient in defiance, as resourceful households are more sensitive to the student composition of new schools. We simulate school assignment policies and find that boundary changes that reassign areas to a highly disadvantaged school are ineffective at altering the socioeconomic composition at the disadvantaged school.
3 February 2024
Social Science & Medicine
From unequal injuries to unequal learning? Socioeconomic gradients in childhood concussions and the impact on children’s academic performance
Highlights • Child concussion rates are higher among families with lower earnings and education. • Concussion incidence and reading test scores are negatively correlated. • Difference-in-differences model controls for selection and identifies a causal effect. • The negative correlation is driven by selection and does not reflect a causal effect. • Social gradients in concussions do not lead to inequality in academic performance.
30 December 2023
Psychological Medicine
Suicides, drug poisonings, and alcohol-related deaths cluster with health and social disadvantage in 4.1 million citizens from two nations
Deaths of despair are a marker of inequalities in countries beyond the U.S. with robust social-safety nets, nationwide healthcare, and strong pharmaceutical regulations. These deaths cluster within a highly disadvantaged population segment identifiable within health- and social-service systems.
3 November 2023
1 November 2023
European Psychiatry
Changes in anxiety and depression during the COVID-19 Pandemic in the European population
26 October 2023
Labour Economics
Access to language training and the local integration of refugees
15 October 2023
Children and Youth Services Review
Introducing a New Data Resource for Comparative Child Welfare Research: The Rockwool-Duke Global Child Welfare Database
9 September 2023
The Journal of Economic Inequality
Income developments in the great recession Status for the Danish Prime-age Working Population a Decade Following the Onset of the Financial Crisis.”
8 September 2023
Demographic Research
Partial Fertility Recuperation in Spain Two Years After the Onset of the COVID-19 Pandemic
5 September 2023
Canadian Review of Sociology
Sources of mathematics self-efficacy: The interactive role of parental education and perceptions of teachers
3 September 2023
Acta Sociologica
Criminal justice involvement, transition to fatherhood, and the demographic foundation of the intergenerational transmission of crime
30 August 2023
Justice Quarterly
Court Delays and Criminal Recidivism: Results from Danish Administrative Data and a Policy Reform
11 August 2023
European Journal of Public Health
The association between type of conception through medically assisted reproduction and childhood cognition: A Danish population-wide cohort study
22 July 2023
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health
Psychosocial working conditions and sickness absence among younger employees in Denmark
11 July 2023
Journal of Labor Economics
Permanent Residency and Refugee Immigrants’ Skill Investment
20 June 2023
The Review of Economics and Statistics
Language Training and Refugees’ integration
We evaluate a Danish reform focused on improving language training for those granted refugee status on or after January 1, 1999. Using a Regression Discontinuity Design, we find a significant, permanent, positive effect on earnings. This effect emerged after completion of language classes and was accompanied by additional schooling and a higher probability of working in complex jobs, consistent with language training, rather than other minor aspects of the reform, producing the results.
13 June 2023
Sociological Methods & Research
Lagged Dependent Variable Predictors, Classical Measurement Error, and Path Dependency: The Conditions Under Which Various Estimators are Appropriate
7 June 2023
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