Time and consumption
Written by: Gunnar Viby Mogensen
This book is the primary publication for the project Time and Consumption. It contains detailed documentation on a wide range of subjects connected with theme of time and consumption in papers by different researchers.
The contents include articles on changes in time use from the 1960s to the 1990s, time use on the labour market for men and for women, time use by Danes who are outside the workforce, division of labour in the home, time use and the life cycle, changes in DIY work and “black” work, and shifts in patterns of time use and consumption and the links between such shifts.
The book aroused considerable attention when it was published in September 1990. Backing the scientific results and conclusions was detailed coverage of many aspects of everyday life from the 1960s onwards. The book further gave new and radical explanations of exactly what it was that had led to the complex changes in the everyday life of Danes.
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