Sund Skole Nettet
(Healthy School Network)
Sund Skole Nettet (The Healthy School Network) is a nationwide association of schools whose purpose is to promote health in primary and lower secondary schools. The member schools share their knowledge and experience, perform health measurements and have access to professional, targeted health initiatives at cost price.

The network has existed since 2008 and currently encompasses more than 100 Danish primary and lower secondary schools. The initiative was launched by the ROCKWOOL Foundation, which supports the development of new health initiatives and teaching services on the basis of the schools’ specific needs. The network is managed by a board whose members are elected from among the school representatives in the nationwide network. The network meets once a year, bringing together representatives from local school networks and the member schools’ health committees.
The network bases its activities on a broad concept of health, offering its member schools a range of targeted, professional tools and teaching services designed to accommodate specific challenges in the field of both physical and psychological health. Thanks to the ROCKWOOL Foundation’s funding of expenses for development, evaluation, etc. all the services can be offered to the schools at cost price.
What’s next?
The project was completed in 2016 under the auspices of the ROCKWOOL Foundation. The project has undergone a qualitative evaluation and an impact evaluation in addition to a trend study. See the results and find our knowledge in the list below.