Conference: Denmark in Decline – Can We Sustain the Welfare State We Aspire To?


March 2025

On March 18, 2025, the ROCKWOOL Foundation hosted a conference to mark the launch of the book – Denmark in Decline? – by Professor Torben M. Andersen (Aarhus University) and Research Director Jan Rose Skaksen (ROCKWOOL Foundation).

The conference addressed a key societal challenge: How can we ensure the welfare we aspire to in an era of an aging population and increasing public expenditures? The authors presented the book’s main findings, including an assessment of financial sustainability and employment in both the public and private sectors.

Following the presentations, a panel debate took place with employment spokespersons Karsten Hønge (SF), Kim Valentin (V), and Dina Raabjerg (K), who discussed how society should prioritize the welfare of the future.
The debate was moderated by Jacob Rosenkrands, debate editor at Berlingske and former host of Deadline on DR2.


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