Immigration to Denmark
July 2009
Emigration of Immigrants – A Duration Analysis
June 2009
Has Globalization Changed the Phillips Curve?
May 2009
Source Country Differences in Test Score Gaps: Evidence from Denmark
July 2008
Immigrant and Native Children’s Cognitive Outcomes and the Effect of Ethnic Concentration in Danish Schools
July 2008
What Happens to the Employment of Native Co-Workers when Immigrants are Hired?
October 2007
Immigrants at the Workplace and the Wages of Native Workers
October 2007
Determination of the Net Transfers for Immigrants in Germany
September 2007
Employment Effects of Reducing Welfare to Refugees
April 2007
A Comparison of Welfare Payments to Asylum Seekers, Refugees, and Reunified Families
November 2006
Migrants, Work, and the Welfare State
October 2004
Immigration and the public sector in Denmark
February 2002
Foreigners in the Danish newspaper debate from the 1870s to the 1990s
October 2001
The integration of non-Western immigrants in a Scandinavian labour market: The Danish experience
October 2001
Immigration to Denmark
April 1999