Permanent Residency and Refugee Immigrants’ Skill Investment
June 2021
Building Better Systems
November 2020
Overeducation among immigrants depending on residence type
June 2020
The effect of welfare benefit reductions on the integration of refugees
May 2020
Immigrants’ assimilation depending on residence type
June 2019
Integration: Professor Dustmann on integration in the EU, challenges and advantages
June 2019
Employment Effects of a Job-First Policy for Refugees
April 2019
Lowering Welfare Benefits: Intended and Unintended Consequences for Migrants and their Families
March 2019
Income Distribution among Turkish Immigrants in Germany and Denmark
February 2019
Does Poverty among Immigrants Adapt to Country of Residence?
February 2019
Local Labour Demand and Immigrant Employment
November 2018
Integration and permanent residence policies
October 2018
Denmark makes tougher demands on refugees who request permanent residence permits than do Germany, Norway and the Netherlands
October 2018
Refugee Migration and Electoral Outcomes
August 2016
Integration of ethnic minorities – do they divorce as natives do?
January 2016
Immigration to Denmark from non-Western countries will still result in a net transfer from the public purse in 2050 – if immigration and integration remain unchanged
May 2015