Research report
Losing the stigma of incarceration
January 2012
Research report
Serving time or serving the community?
January 2012
Research report
Unemployment and crime
January 2012
Research report
Does Incarceration Length Affect Labor Market Outcomes for Violent Offenders?
January 2012
Research report
The significance of immigration for public finances in Denmark
September 2011
Knowledge overview
Going to bed late has its price
August 2011
Research report
Economic Drivers of Migration and Climate Change in LDCs
July 2011
Knowledge overview
Lying and social security fraud are viewed more leniently today than previously
June 2011
Research report
A panel study of immigrant poverty dynamics and income mobility – Denmark, 1984-2007
May 2011
Research report
Immigration and Welfare State Cash Benefits – The Danish Case
May 2011
Knowledge overview
The majority of Danes buy undeclared services
March 2011
Research report
The Price of Prejudice
January 2011
Research report
Disentangling the heterogeneous relationship between background characteristics and a child’s placement risk
May 2010
Research report
A good place to live: On how municipality level characteristics explain municipality level variation in children’s placement risk
May 2010
Knowledge overview
Criminals pay a high price after completing sentences
April 2010
Knowledge overview
Parents are spending an increasing amount of time on their children
February 2010