Research report
Risk of Stress/Depression and Functional Impairment in Denmark Immediately Following a COVID-19 Shutdown
December 2020
Research report
Health Inequality and the Intergenerational Transmissions of Health
September 2020
Research report
The Effect of Concussion on Salary and Employment – A Population-Based Event Time Study using a Quasi-Experimental Design
September 2020
Research report
Public and Parental Investments and Children’s Skill Formation
August 2020
Research report
Not just later, but fewer: Novel trends in cohort fertility in the Nordic countries
July 2020
Danish Covid19 Policies Reduced Overall Mortality
July 2020
Research report
Pretrial Detention and the Costs of System Overreach for Employment and Family Life
June 2020
Research report
Household Economic Exclusion among Danish Children
June 2020
Research report
Overeducation among immigrants depending on residence type
June 2020
Research report
The effect of welfare benefit reductions on the integration of refugees
May 2020
Research report
New insights on the two largest activation programs for welfare recipients in Denmark
February 2020
Research report
Prevalence and Consequences of Violence on the Job Hit Females in Healthcare Provision Hard
January 2020
Research report
Another Look at Returns to Birthweight
November 2019
Research report
Division of Household Labor and Relationship Dissolution in Denmark 2001-2009
September 2019
Research report
Who Reacts to Less Restrictive Divorce Laws?
September 2019
Research report
Parental separation and child outcomes: Education, employment and juvenile delinquency
September 2019