Internationale fredsprojekter
(International peace projects)
In the period 2008–12, the ROCKWOOL Foundation supported a series of international peace projects carried out in Lebanon, Burundi, Uganda and Nepal. The starting point for supporting peace initiatives in countries with long histories of violent, internal conflict was a desire to develop new methods for involving children and young people in particular in the work to promote peace, and to provide them with tools to help with conflict resolution and cultivate peaceful co-existence.

In the period 2008–12, the ROCKWOOL Foundation supported the establishment of football schools under a project implemented by the Cross Cultural Project Association (CCPA) with the emphasis on voluntary association work. The objective of the project was to train volunteer trainers and to bring children and young people from different ethnic and social groups together around a variety of activities including joint training sessions and tournaments across ethnic boundaries. In addition, the Foundation supported the Search for Common Ground (SFCG) organisation, which focuses on communication about peaceful co-existence through the production of TV series for – and starring – children and young people.
Burundi, Uganda and Nepal
In the period 2011–12, the ROCKWOOL Foundation supported three peace projects implemented by ADRA (Burundi), Caritas (Uganda) and RTC/CWIN (Nepal). The focus of all three projects was on teaching young people how to handle conflicts and how to use tools to deal with conflicts and disputes locally, with the objective of giving these young people a stronger voice in the work to promote peace.
What’s next?
The projects were completed in 2012 under the auspices of the ROCKWOOL Foundation. The projects have all undergone evaluations. See the results and find our knowledge in the list below.