How we provide support

The Deed of Trust of the ROCKWOOL Foundation states the following:

“The objective of the Foundation is, at the discretion of the Foundation Board, to support scientific, humanitarian, artistic or social purposes, and to contribute to improving environmental conditions and development of society.”

In accordance with the objective stated in the Deed of Trust, the Board of the ROCKWOOL Foundation has decided to prioritise support for projects whose purpose is to generate new, independent knowledge with the potential to reinforce the economic and social sustainability of the welfare society.

The Foundation receives a great many applications for support, and the Board prioritises allocating the majority of the Foundation’s unrestricted funds to supporting research and the generation of knowledge about solutions to tangible societal challenges. These projects may be designed completely independently or in consultation with the Foundation’s Research and Interventions Units. Whichever approach is chosen, all projects are subjected to a thorough process of evaluation in expert committees before they are presented to the Board for approval.

Apply for subsidy for research projects

During the current application period, we are seeking applications exclusively under the following theme:

The area of specialist social care in Denmark viewed from a patient angle, a system angle and an economic angle.

The costs of specialist social care are rising sharply, without, it seems, patients experiencing higher quality in the services provided. The rising costs are putting pressure not only on the finances of the municipalities, but also on users’ confidence in the system. During this application period, the ROCKWOOL Foundation is seeking to support projects with the capacity to contribute to understanding the financial and quality-related challenges – and potential solutions to same – that exist within this specialist area. Projects should focus in particular on children, young people and adults with reduced physical or mental functional capacity.

Applications will be assessed according to usual scientific standards. The relevance of the research from a broader societal perspective will also be weighted heavily in the assessment of applications.

It is possible to apply for subsidy for research projects with a budget of up to DKK 5 million.

The deadline for applications is 20 June 2025.

Guidelines for the format and layout of applications are available for download.

Applications are to be submitted via the Foundation’s application system. Particularly qualified applications will subsequently be assessed by expert professionals after the application deadline stated in the system.

The assessments from the expert professionals will be forwarded to the applicants, including questions or recommendations, if any, from these experts.

For the applications that the expert professionals recommend for approval by the Board of the Foundation, applicants will be requested to provide responses to the afore-mentioned questions and recommendations. The authors of suitable applications will then be informed as to whether their application has been proposed for approval at the next meeting of the Board of Directors.

From August onwards, applicants will be informed on an ongoing basis as to whether or not their applications have progressed through the process. It is expected that grant notifications will be communicated as from the middle of November 2025.

Applicants should not expect rejections to be justified.