Jeanette Østergaard
Research Professor, Head of Development
Cand.scient.soc., PhD
+45 51 27 45 08
Research areas
Young people, transition, marginalization, risk behaviour, education, mixed method and course studies.
Østergaard, J., Pless, M., Blackman, S., & MacDonald, R. (2024). ‘Nothing happens here, but that’s ok’: reflexivity, immobility and staying among young people in marginalised rural locations. Journal of Youth Studies, 1–18. Go to publication
Podcast: De unge i udkanten — Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond (dff.dk) go to podcast
Østergaard, J., Henze-Pedersen, S. & Thomson, R. (2024). Taking care of Time. How a global crisis demands the improvisation of waiting among three generations. In Moran, L. and Dooly, Z. ed.: Biographical Perspectives on Lives Lived During Covid-19 Global Narratives and International Methodological Innovations. Springer. Switzerland. 63-85. Go to publication