Christopher Wildeman
PhD in Sociology and Demography
+1 609-462-6797
Research areas
Child welfare, effects of imprisonment on family members, demographic methods.
Wildeman, Christopher, Vesla Weaver, and Jacob S. Hacker, eds. 2014. Detaining Democracy? Criminal Justice and American Civic Life. Special Issue of the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 653.
Wakefield, Sara, and Christopher Wildeman. 2013. Children of the Prison Boom: Mass Incarceration and the Future of American Inequality. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Wildeman, C., Roehrkasse, A., Gibbons, A., Sernaker, S., Becker, L. & Fallesen, P. (2025). “Child Welfare System Contact in the Global North: Trends from 44 Countries.” Demography. doi:10.1215/00703370-11793609. https://read.dukeupress.edu/demography/article/doi/10.1215/00703370-11793609/395177/Two-Decades-of-Child-Welfare-System-Contact-in-the
Fallesen, Peter, and Christopher Wildeman. Forthcoming. “The Effect of Medical Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on Foster Care Caseloads: Evidence from Danish Registry Data.” Journal of Health and Social Behavior.
Wildeman, Christopher, and Peter Fallesen. Forthcoming. “The Effect of Lowering Welfare Payment Ceilings on Children’s Risk of Out-of-Home Placement.” Children and Youth Services Review.
Andersen, Lars H., and Christopher Wildeman. Forthcoming. “Measuring the Effect of Probation and Parole Officers on Labor Market Outcomes and Recidivism.” Journal of Quantitative Criminology.
Wildeman, Christopher and Lars H. Andersen. 2015. “Cumulative Risks of Paternal and Maternal Incarceration in Denmark and the United States.” Demographic Research 32:1567-1580.
Wildeman, Christopher, and Kristin Turney. 2014. “Positive, Negative, or Null? The Effects of Maternal Incarceration on Children’s Behavioral Problems.” Demography 51:1041-1068.
Wildeman, Christopher, and JaneWaldfogel. 2014. “Somebody’s Children or Nobody’s Children? How the Sociological Perspective Could Enliven Research on Foster Care.” Annual Review of Sociology 40:599-618.
Wildeman, Christopher, Natalia Emanuel, John M. Leventhal, Emily Putnam-Hornstein, Jane Waldfogel, and Hedwig Lee. 2014. “The Prevalence of Confirmed Maltreatment Among US Children, 2004-2011.” JAMA Pediatrics 168:706-713.
Wildeman, Christopher, and Natalia Emanuel. 2014. “Cumulative Risks of Foster Care Placement for American Children, 2000-2011.” PLOS ONE 9:e92785.
Wildeman, Christopher, Signe Hald Anderson, Hedwig Lee, and Kristian Bernt Karlson. 2014. “Parental Incarceration and Child Mortality in Denmark.” American Journal of Public Health 104:428-433
Wang, Emily A., Jenerius A. Aminawung, Christopher Wildeman, Joseph S. Ross, and Harlan M. Krumholz. 2014. “High Incarceration Rates Among Black Men Enrolled in Clinical Studies May Compromise Ability to Identify Disparities.” Health Affairs 33:848-855.
Andersen, Signe Hald, and Christopher Wildeman. 2014. “The Effect of Paternal Incarceration on Children’s Risk of Foster Care Placement” Social Forces 93:269-298.
Turney, Kristen, and Christopher Wildeman. 2013. “Redefining Relationships: Explaining the Countervailing Consequences of Paternal Incarceration for Parenting Quality.” American Sociological Review 78:949-979.
Lee, Hedwig, and Christopher Wildeman. 2013. “Things Fall Apart: Health Consequences of Mass Imprisonment for African American Women.” Review of Black Political Economy 40:39-52
Wildeman, Christopher, and Christopher Muller. 2012. “Mass Imprisonment and Inequality in Health and Family Life.” Annual Review of Law and Social Science 8:11-30.
Wildeman, Christopher, Jason Schnittker, and Kristin Turney. 2012. “Despair by Association? The Mental Health of Mothers with Children by Recently Incarcerated Fathers.” American Sociological Review 77:216-243.
Wakefield, Sara, and Christopher Wildeman. 2011. “Mass Imprisonment and Racial Disparities in Childhood Behavioral Problems.” Criminology and Public Policy 10:791-817.
Wang, Emily A., and Christopher Wildeman. 2011. “Studying Health Disparities by Including Incarcerated and Formerly Incarcerated Individuals.” JAMA 305:1708-1709.
Wildeman, Christopher. 2010. “Paternal Incarceration and Children’s Physically Aggressive Behaviors: Evidence from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study.” Social Forces 89:285-310.
Wildeman, Christopher 2009. “Parental Imprisonment, the Prison Boom, and the Concentration of Childhood Disadvantage.” Demography 46:265-280.
Western, Bruce, and Christopher Wildeman. 2009. “The Black Family and Mass Incarceration.” ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 621:221-242.