Anders Holm
Research Professor
MSc in Economics, PhD
+45 40 93 56 98
Rachel Marglis, Youjin Choi, Anders Holm and Nirav Mehta (2020). ‘The Effect of Expanded Parental Benefits on Union Dissolution’. Forthcoming, Journal of Marrige and Family.
Elisabeth Framke, Annemette Coop Svane-Petersen, Anders Holm, Hermann Burr, Maria Melchior, Børge Sivertsen, Stephen Stansfeld, Jeppe Karl Sørensen, Marianna Virtanen, Reiner Rugulies, Ida E. H. Madsen (2020). ’Cumulated and most recent job control and risk of disability pension in the Danish Work Life CourseCohort (DaWCo)’. Forthcoming, European Journal of Public Health.
Asta Breinholt Lund and Anders Holm (2020). ‘Heterogeneous Effects of Less Educated Mothers’ Further Education during Early Childhood on Children’s Educational Performance in Adolescence’. Forthcoming, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility.
Richard Breen, Kristian Karlson and Anders Holm (2020). ‘A Note on a Reformulation of the KHB Method’. Forthcoming, Sociological Methods and Research.
Hans-Peter Y. Qvist, Anders Holm, Martin D. Munk (2020). ‘Demand and Supply Effects and Returns to College Education: Evidence from a Natural Experiment with Engineers in Denmark’, Forthcoming, Scandinavian Journal of Economics.
Annemette Coop Svane-Petersen, Anders Holm, Herman Burr, Maria Melchior, Naja Hulvej Rod, Børge Sivertsen, Stephen Stanfeld, Jeppe Karl Sørensen, Marianne Virtanen, Reiner Rugulies, Ida H. E. Madsen (2020). ‘Psychosocial working conditions and depressive disorder: disentangling effects of job control from socioeconomic status using a life-course approach’. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 55(2):217-228.
Anders Holm, Anders Hjort-Trolle, Mads Jæger (2019). ‘Signals, Educational Decision Making, and Inequality’. European Sociological Review, 35(4), 447-460.
Else Foverskov, Erik Lykke Mortensen, Anders Holm, Jolene Lee Masters Pedersen, Merete Osler, Rikke Lund (2019). ’Socioeconomic position across the life-course and cognitive ability in midlife: The importance of early cognitive ability and measurement error’. Journal of Aging and Health, 31(6), 947-966.
Maria Keilow, Anders Holm, Mette Friis-Hansen, and Rune Kristensen (2019). “Effects of a classroom management intervention on student selective attention: results from a randomized controlled trial”. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 30(2), 194-211.
Rachel Margolis, Feng Hou, Michael Haan and Anders Holm (2019). ‘The Use and Sharing of Parental Leave in Canada: Two Policy Changes’. Journal of Marriage and Family, 81 (2), 450-467.
Leslie S. Stratton, Nabanita Datta Gupta, David Reimer and Anders Holm (2018). ‘Modeling Completion of Vocational Education: The role of cognitive and non-cognitive skills by program type’, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 18(4).
Maria Keilow, Anders Holm and Peter Fallesen (2018). ‘The Effects of Medical Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on Children’s Academic Achievement’. Plos One, 13(11): e0207905.
Else Foverskov, M. Maria Glymour, Erik L. Mortensen, Anders Holm, Theis Lange and Rikke Lund (2018). ‘Education and Cognitive Aging: Accounting for Selection and Confounding in the Danish Registry-SHARE Data Linkage’, American Journal of Epidemiology, 87(11), 2423-2430.
Richard Breen, Kristian Karlson and Anders Holm (2018). ‘Interpreting and understanding logits and probits and other non-linear probability models’. Annual Review of Sociology, 44, 39–54.
Erik Petrovski, Sofie Dencker-Larsen and Anders Holm (2017). ‘The Effect of Volunteer Work on Employability: A Prospective Study using Danish Register and Survey Data. European Sociological Review. 33(3), 349-367.
Trine Bille, Knut Løyland and Anders Holm (2017). ‘Work for Passion? Labor Supply of Artists’. Kyklos, 70(3), 347–380.
Anders Holm, Jan Høgelund, Mette Gørtz, Kristin Storck Rasmussen and Helle Sofie Bøje Houlberg (2017). ’Employment effects of active labor market programs for sick-listed workers’. Journal of Health Economics. 52. 33-44.
Anders Holm and Richard Breen (2016). ‘Behavioural and Statistical Models of Educational Inequality’. Rationality & Society. 28(3), 270-298.
Else Foverskov and Anders Holm (2016). ‘Socioeconomic inequality in health in the British Household Panel: Tests of the social causation and direct selection hypothesis using dynamic fixed effects panel models’. Social Science & Medicine, 150, 172-183.